I’ve learnt quite a bit with the use of the keywords dictionary and I now have better knowledge about key media terms. Additionally I’ve learnt a lot doing my independent study.
Effort = 2
I’ve put a lot of effort into my blog’s, presentations and other homework’s. Although my Med 6 blog should have a few more news stories.
Punctuality = 1
I’m always on time.
Submission and Quality of homework = 1
It’s always on time and up to a good standard.
Ability to work independently = 1
I work really well on my own.
Quality of writing = 1
I have a good vocabulary of media terms.
Organization of Media folder = 3
I only bought one recently and am still in the process of putting sheets into it.
Oral contribution in class = 1
I always ask questions, contribute in discussions and I am quite opinionated so I tend to want to discuss other people’s opinions.
Standard of Module 5 Blog = 1
I have done all the work set as well as doing my own self-directed research.
Standard of Module 6 Blog = 2
I’ve done all the work set, although I haven’t updated my blog with news stories as I should have.
The rival or opposing figure in a narrative set againest the protagonist. Within Sin City, there are quite a few antagonists.
Anti narrative
A non-linear narrative, where by there are flashbacks and an altered time sequence. This can be seen in Sin City as it has 3 intertwining non-linear narratives.
An often repeated character within a genre. The film noir and neo noir genre continue to have a detective and a femme fetale.
The engima code, it is present throughout Sin City as the narrative is non-linear.
Anthology Film
A film consisting of several different short films, often tied together by a single theme or by an interlocking event. Somtimes, each short film is directed by a different director. Sin City is an anthology film, addtionally there were 3 directors.
Ideological state apparatus
Where instutions which are established, control the state and mind set by using their brand name power, additionally they reinforce certain ideologies. The Weinstein brothers own Demension films, which means they can reinforce the same continous ideologies, for example the objectifaction of women.
If you repeat shootings, famine and images of war continously means this constant exposure numbs audiences down. Sin City shows death repeatidly, shootings and audiences are almost normal to see it.
Binary oppositions. Sin City has quite a few, Marv and Kevin for example.
Women are used for a visual purpose soley. Jessica Alba in Sin City is a passive character and is only there to be objectified and for voyeuristic pleasure.
A person who watches someone whilst being in a non-involved position and for reasons of self gratification. The women in Sin City are there for voyeuristic pleasure.
Equilbirum, Dis-equilbrium and New Equilibrium. Sin City subverts his theory.
The clip of ‘Sin City’ (2005) that I have chosen to analyze can be seen as a scene of resolution. However, the enigma code (Bathes) is invoked as Marv leaves Goldie unconscious. The resolution occurs when Marv kills Kevin, the audience can immediately distinguish the proppian hero and villain.
Marv is represented as an anti-hero, this is due to the fact that he smokes and kills without hesitation therefore he does not conform to the stereotypical ideologies that a passive audience would assume him to be like. Despite this the audience can easily identify with him due to the fact that a series of close-up shots allow the audience to view his emotional struggle in order to help another person.
Sin City follows the conventions of the neo-noir genre as it often uses a conflicted antihero, who can be identified as Marv. Another convention, which is used within newer neo-noir genre films, is the use of CGI graphics where by a digital background is used in order to create the visual aesthetics. For example, Kevin’s white glasses would have been added in the postproduction stages.
Non-diegetic sound is added in postproduction to create a comic book like feeling, this feeling is added to with the use of monochrome colour. Additionally, similar to a comic book, the use of narration allows the audience to understand the protagonist’s mindset, and how they’re feeling. It also allows the story to be developed, as enigmas are unravelled with the protagonist providing explanation. The voice-over narration adds to the authenticity of this comic book adaptation and follows the conventions of the neo-noir convention.
A patriarchal society is enforced due to the fact that Goldie needs Marv to save her day, which conforms the ideology of women to be subordinate to men. Goldie can be identified as the whore in Laura Mulvey’s theory of women being into two categorises, as she is visually pleasing for the audience. Thus, she is there to be objectified and has the quality of ‘to-be-looked-at-ness’.
The social ideology of homosexual’s is negative as they are portrayed as ‘girly’ and weak, for example the macho character (Marv) easily defeats the girly homosexual (Kevin). Additionally the ideology of homosexuals being girly is further reinforced due to the fact that Kevin uses his nails when fighting. This scene reinforces the ideology of a patriarchal society, and also stereotypes homosexuals in a negative manner.
Through this one scene in ‘Sin City’ (2005), it can be seen that that Marv is represented as an anti-hero rather than just a hero however; he still makes the proppian characters of the villain and hero very clear.
This is where the hero lacks the qualities the audience would normally associate with the hero. The audience do however still sympathise and can still see the story from their point of view.
BCU (Big Close-up) A close-up shot which focuses on emotion, where by the audience can empathise with the character. Within Sin City, many close-up's are used with the 3 protagonists.
Canted Shot (Dutch Angle)
A titled low-angle shot. This is a trademark of Film Noir/Neo Noir. Sin City uses numerous times, especially with Bruce Willis.
Where the plot is unravelled at the end of the film. The three narratives within Sin City unravell in front of the audience at the end.
Enigma Code
Created by Roland Barthes. The enigma code is where the audience are left asking questions. The non-linear narative structure within Sin City creates many questions.
Femme Fetale
In french film noir theory, a female character would use her sexuality in devious and secretive ways in order to achieve what she desires. The prostitute in Sin City convinces Marv to help protect them from the pimps.
When a character talks over a scence. In Sin City, many characters explain and express themselves with the use of narration.
New Ladism
The male backlash againest feminism. Sin City ignores female equality and creates many subordiant female characters.
Parallel Action
Where a film will cut in between scenes to show an intertwining narrative structure - Sin City.
Where the achievements of the uprising of female equality are ignored, for example the women in Sin City are shown as subordinant and as sex objects.