"Does the neo-noir genre continue to follow the representations of the classic film noir genre, with particular reference to ‘Sin City’ (2005)"

Thursday, 28 February 2008

Self Evaluation

  • Attainment = 2

    I've missed a few lessons, I need to catch up a bit.

  • Effort = 1

    I always put in a lot of effort

  • Punctuality = 2

    I am always on time, although I've missed a few lessons.

  • Submission and quality of homework = 1

    I've done all the homeworks set and it's always to a very high standard.

  • Ability to work independently = 1

    I work best independantly, although am also good at working in groups.

  • Quality of writing = 1

    My vocabulary and media termonology is very good and I am able to use it appropriatly.

  • Organisation of Media folder = 2

    All my sheets are in my folder, that's good enough..

  • Oral contributions in class = 2

    I always discuss and contribute, although recently I've been a bit quiet as every time I try and talk, I cough =/

  • Contribution to the debate team = 2

    I've done the work that I'm supposed to do, although I must admit the team is unbelievably unorganized.

  • Extra-curricular work (film projects etc.) = 1

    [What kind of question is that?]

    I watch a lot of movies?

  • Standard of Module 5 blog = 1

    It's amazing with a lot of research. The independant study has become a lot more interesting due to Freud. Oh, and I have the best books.. from a media university. Hahaha. =)

  • Standard of Module 6 blog = 2

    It has all the media stories that I'm supposed to do.. what else is that blog for?!

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